
Keeping it fresh since 1985.

It has been far too long since I have posted anything on here...

Lots of interesting things have been happening lately, but for now I am going to post the new items in my etsy shop!

All of my items in shop are between 25 and 50% off original price as part of the Etsy-wide Yart Sale!

www.buttonattire.etsy.comCreepy Baby Bedside Box

Southwestern Condom Pouch

Sunflower Neck Art
Freddie Mercury Condom Cozy

<3 Jenny

Now, I was never one to believe in love at first sight. I think that's a bunch of hullabaloo. Bullhonkey. Bologna, if you will. I do, however, believe that on a first date you can tell if there is a spark or not. The said "spark" can come in many forms. It would possibly be a moment of eye contact, simple common interests and intellectual ideals, or it could be an animal like need to climb on each other while ripping your clothes off. The last one is obviously the most fun. Is it fair mold your outlook of a possible relationship based on a lack of "sparks"?

After a rather unsucessful date, I began to think about my additude regarding this topic. Let's just put the situation I was in out there to air dry. Mr. X (which will be his name from now on) is a great guy. He really is. X is one of those men that makes a great boyfriend for someone who needs a lot of attention. I am not that girl. I don't like being fawned over and mussied with. It weirds me out.

I guess I just need to keep on looking.

I have died my hair every color under the sun. I never seem to keep it one shade for very long and it's fun trying something new.

This time it's bright red and I'm LOVING IT. Now I can be firey and snappy but blame it on my hair rather than my period.

<3 Jenny

Oh Spring!

I love spring and I am enthusiastically waiting for the day when I can wear a skirt and a top without having to hear "ARN'T YOU FREEZING?" every time I step outdoors. This spring also brings new realizations and goals for Miss Jenny. The idea of not smoking is becoming more and more appealing along with attempting to eat a little healthier. I realize that I am not in the best shape and I think my lack of quality sleep is proving this. Also the fact that I keep getting sick is a bit of a red flag.
After recently being pushed aside by two people in my life, I have decided to do exactly what I want, when I want to and how I want to. I can't handle being the doormat anymore and I won't allow it. I'm a grown ass woman with her own priorities and if someone else can't handle that, then so be it. I will bring them a big glass of shut the hell up with a punch to the nuts on the side. - Sorry, I'm a little bitter, but it's fading.

I WILL go ahead and start working on my company. They told me to focus on a realistic goal, but to me this is realistic. People run their own businesses all of the time. I DID at one point and while it is no longer in business, that was by choice. I needed to refocus on what was important and that needed to be put on the back burner. It is, however, back up front. A little switcharoo and it's in the spotlight of my mind now.

Enough with that though.

I do have a domain name now, but I have to fiddle with the site.


Lately there has been less and less time to simply look at pretty things. Just gaze and let the creativity/simplicity sink in. I got out of work tonight after a busy day feeling drained of any real appreciation of anything. I took off my coat, made myself some dinner and decided to change that. So I've spent the evening noshing on good stuff (healthy yes! Operation Jenn is doing well...15 lbs down...) and brewing ideas for my own creative prospects. The thing is, there are so many ways you can use your talents to help others around, but it's just a matter of figuring out how to put it into motion.

In the meantime, here are a few of my favorite things. Not all of them are necessities by any stretch of the word, but it doesn't mean I can't look, right?

Caroline Swift's Campaign Sorbet via Design*Sponge

Tiny terrarium from John and Stacie on their blog.

Now playing:
Jolie Holland - Mexican Blue
via FoxyTunes

"I'm floating with the birds
I'm talking to the weeds
Look what you've done to me

I'm still dressed up from the night before
Silken hose and an old Parisian coat
And I feel like a queen at the bus stop on the street
Look what you've done to me

It's a beautiful morning in the ghetto
Finer than the day before
The ants are crawling over my pants as if to say
They know where the honey is

There's really old roses blooming in the ghetto
Birds of paradise are taller than me
The weeds grow high, the birds flicker by
Children are walking to school

In the midst of all of this profusion
The bus pulls up to take me back home
The bus driver looks like an African prince
The babies have tears in their eyes

And I feel like a queen
On this sunny city bus
Look what you've done to me"

Jolie Holland - "Crush In The Ghetto"

I have been doing some loom knitting and tonight I finished another hat. This one actually fits someone's head older than 2 years. However, my head is killing me now.

I was watching The Colbert/Stewart election special last night around 11 pm when they announced that Barack Obama would be our next president. I could barely contain my excitement and I spent much of the even on our porch, listening to the crowds next door celebrating. I could have gone to the election party, but I really felt like spending the evening alone with the news. A lot has changed these past two years and much of that has been caused by our government's policies, both international and domestic. We need someone we can believe in and find an aura of strength to help our country through these times.

As today is my day off, I have begun my holiday crafts. I'm crafting all of my gifts this year (well most of them) and I started with my niece, Sandie.

Have a good afternoon! Go and enjoy the weather!


Musica Nueva

Tonight I was able to deposit my paycheck and I decided that I would get myself a new mp3 player. My iPod took a nosedive when I saw the infamous sad faced icon with a warning symbol. Deciding to stray away from Apple this time, I picked out a rather inexpensive Phillips 4 G mp3 player. I figure that since I had my iPod for a good 3 years, this one would last for a while.

It's pretty nifty and does the trick for what I want it for. I don't like a lot of crazy doodads simply because I usually forget to use them. I would much rather have simple mechanics and than bells and whistles.

Well with a new player, I decided to look into some new music.

One band that really seems to fit well in my life spectrum at the moment is Old Crow Medicine Show.

A bluegrass group hailing from Nashville, these guys have really blown me away. Now and then, I like to dip into alt-country and bluegrass and this is definitely a pool I will be dipping into regularly.

The band's website.

Photo Credit:
